I'm Vitalie Esanu


44 years old, husband and father, technology addict.

Hello, My Name is Vitalie.

I am 44 years old, born and grew up in Republic of Moldova. Highly motivated creative developer with international client portfolio.

I currently work at Evisoft, where I spend most of my time crafting and working on awesome projects.

I’ve been programming in some form since I was 12 years old. At College of Informatics and Technical University of Moldova I gained a strong foundation in computer science theory in addition to experience in actual software development through several international companies, side projects, and a couple entrepreneurial endeavors.

I am looking for the next place I can make a significant contribution. I especially would like to tackle larger problems, of scaling up to millions of users and the like. My favorite thing to do in my spare time is learn. Thus, I am a quick learner and I’m able to rapidly get up to speed in a new environment. I have a special place in my heart for networking and the Web, and would love to work on problems at a large scale. I’m a down-to-earth dude who is passionate about technology, loves a good technical conversation, and I’m anxious to work with other like me.

Contact Details

My Latest Works

I'm looking to expand my portfolio.

Online voting app

Online Voting App


Educație Online


Corectarea diacriticile românești



Camera Genius

Camera Genius

Spam Bully


Dead Pool

Projects that have been made of heart and sweat but for various reasons I have closed them or exit.









What I'm Doing

I love what I do. I take great pride in what I do. And I can't do something halfway, three-quarters, nine-tenths. If I'm going to do something, I go all the way.

1. Coding

I’ve been programming in some form since I was 12 years old. New languages are not a problem for me. In the past I used a lot of languges: Basic, Delphi, C#, Python, Objective-C, Swift, Java and Javascript.

2. Scaling

I have experience of scaling web sites to serve millions of users using cloud services like Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, Google App Engine and CloudFlare.

3. Web & Mobile Apps

I love to code in C# and .NET. But has done a lot of iOS application since 2009. Have some skills of building Android applications too.

4. Machine Learning

When is the case, I using machine learning integration into projects that I build. Chat bots, image recognition, speech recognition, face recognition and other stuff that can not be done by algorithms but only by machine learning.

5. Growth hacking

None of my projects was ideal from the beginning. With growth hacking techniquest I was able to find the weakness and quick fix them. Intensive using A/B testing is a key success for any web or mobile to growth.

6. Consulting

In 20 years in IT, I gain a lot of expirience, I will be happy to share with you.

Contact Me

Have a project you'd like to discuss?


Vitalie Esanu

[email protected]